Hair Loss Causes, Hair Loss Causes and Solutions for Men and Women, Dermiq Clinic

Hair loss is a serious concern among men and women, especially when one starts shedding hair drastically. Losing hair is not concerning if it stays within control. It is normal to shed about 50-100 hair strands daily. However, when the numbers exceed 125 strands per day, especially for women, it results in hair thinning, hair loss, or baldness. Hair loss, also known as alopecia, can be either permanent or temporary, and it may affect your scalp as well as your entire body.

While some individuals like to keep their hair loss issues unhidden or untreated, others prefer to hide it with hats, hairstyles, or scarves. Alternatively, you can look for natural hair loss treatment solutions to bring back the lost hair or render a more natural look through hair transplantations. These treatments are designed to promote hair regrowth and prevent further hair loss. The article will discuss the probable causes of hair loss in men and women and the available hair restoration solutions or treatments.

The Red Flags

The common signs and symptoms of hair loss and baldness may include:

  • Gradual hair thinning on top of the head with a receding hairline
  • Sudden hair loosening, which may occur during brushing or combing
  • Patchy or circular bald spots on the scalp, eyebrows, or beard
  • Patches of swelling, redness, scaling, and broken hair (a common sign of ringworm infections)
  • Full-body hair loss due to certain medical conditions or treatments, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy

If you notice persistent hair loss beyond normal levels, you must see a doctor and discuss the best early treatment solutions to prevent permanent baldness. You must also visit a certified dermatologist when you witness patchy or sudden hair shedding that’s unnatural. Sudden hair loss may also indicate some underlying health condition, which needs to be treated urgently.

Causes of Hair Loss 

It’s normal to lose around 50–100 hairs daily since it is hardly noticeable as new hair strands are growing simultaneously to cover up this loss. However, when the rate of new hair growth is slower than hair fall, it becomes concerning. And if it occurs persistently and is left untreated, it may gradually lead to baldness. The common causes of hair loss may include one or more of the following.

  • Medical conditions and hormonal changes: Certain health conditions like alopecia areata, a type of immune-system-related condition, may result in scalp infections (like ringworm), patchy hair loss, or trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder). Similarly, some hormonal changes, especially because of thyroid problems, pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause, may lead to hair fall.
  • Heredity or family history: Hereditary hair loss or baldness is one of the most common factors affecting hair loss with aging. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia, or female- or male-pattern baldness. The condition usually occurs slowly with age and appears in predictable patterns. For instance, while women may notice hair thinning along the scalp’s crown, men may see bald spots and a receding hairline.
  • Certain medicines or supplements: Hair loss or baldness can be a side effect of certain medicinal drugs or supplements. For example, medications related to heart issues, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, and gout may lead to hair loss, especially with continuous consumption.
  • Extreme stress: Many individuals experience hair shedding after going through a stressful event. For example, a person facing emotional or physical shock may notice generally hair thinning for a few months after the event. Fortunately, this kind of hair loss is temporary, and the person starts restoring the lost hair when situations turn normal and the individual experiences less stress and anxiety.
  • Cancer treatments: The hair may not grow back naturally when a person undergoes cancer treatments, such as radiation therapies or chemotherapies. That’s because these radiation treatments inhibit the growth of fast-growing cells in the body, including both cancer cells and hair follicles. These radiation therapies cannot distinguish between cancer cells and hair follicle cells (or any other fast-growing cells in the body). An individual might start losing hair within 2–3 weeks after beginning radiation therapy.
  • Excessive hairstyling and certain hair treatments: We love to look good by experimenting with different hairstyles. For instance, some of us like tight hairstyles, such as cornrows and pigtails, which require us to pull the hair tighter. Furthermore, some hair treatments or therapies, like hot-oil head massages and permanent hairstyling solutions, may also result in excessive hair fall.

Hair Loss Treatment Solutions 

Here are some solutions for hair loss treatment in men and women to prevent excessive hair shedding from hormonal imbalances, medications, improper diet, or thyroid problems. While addressing or treating the underlying medical condition would be ideal, you can also try the following hair loss treatment solutions, especially if you have male and female-pattern hair loss.

  • Hair Transplantation: In a hair transplantation procedure, the dermatologist or plastic surgeon may carefully remove individual hair follicles from a spot with thick and healthy hair growth and transplant them in the bald areas. It helps embed these hair strands into the scalp, where the hair growth is the thinnest.
  • Medications: Doctors may recommend medicinal drugs or supplements to prevent further hair loss. You can also try some over-the-counter medicines or hair fall prevention hair oils. However, consult a doctor if hair shedding is alarming, especially in cases of male and female pattern baldness.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment: The PRP treatment is a non-surgical procedure that involves the injection of concentrated platelets (obtained from the patient’s blood) into the person’s scalp. The PRP treatment can be highly effective in promoting hair regrowth and preventing hair thinning and hair loss.

How Can Dermiq Help with Your Hair Loss Problems? 

Dermiq is a hair fall specialist in Hyderabad providing efficient hair loss solutions by integrating state-of-the-art treatment techniques. Our team has an in-depth understanding of the psychological and aesthetic impacts of hair thinning, and we feel how it affects your self-confidence.

Therefore, we provide one of the best and most effective hair transplantation treatments in town, which promises to offer innumerable benefits, including tailored outcomes, minimal scarring, precision harvesting, long-term results, and enhanced comfort and safety. We use non-invasive techniques and local anesthesia to ensure minimal discomfort and pain.

Key Takeaways

Numerous factors can cause hair shedding in both genders, the common reasons being hormonal changes, genetics, aging, and certain medical conditions. While baldness is more common in men, anybody can shed or lose hair. It is more common for individuals with a hereditary hair loss history to start shedding hair with age and turn bald gradually. Seek a proper hair restoration solution to regain that natural look of your dreams!

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