, Best Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment, Dermiq Clinic

Everyone wants their skin to be flawless and youthful, which may be achieved effortlessly with skin rejuvenation. It encompasses a wide range of treatments aimed at improving our skin’s basic texture and quality. Various scars and abnormalities are treated with any top skin rejuvenation treatment by boosting collagen formation in the skin. Depending on skin type, both men and women can get their specialized solution for skin rejuvenation treatment.

What is laser skin rejuvenating?

Laser skin rejuvenating is a resurfacing procedure that involves lasers to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars, balance out skin coloring giving even skintone (pigmentation), tighten skin, and remove benign (non-cancerous) lesions.

Short, concentrated pulsating beams of light are directed at uneven skin using the laser procedure. By vaporizing the skin, laser skin resurfacing eliminates it layer by layer. Lasers work by hitting the melanin and reduce the pigmentation. The lasers encourage the formation of new collagen fibers, resulting in smoother, firmer skin. Laser abrasion, laser peel, and laser vaporization are some of the other names for this popular therapy.

If you have acne or chickenpox scars, uneven skin pigmentation, wrinkles or lines, skin scars or birthmarks, liver spots, sun-damaged skin or age spots, you may be a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing.

Laser skin rejuvenating through resurfacing

Laser resurfacing can be done in two ways. A carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium laser is the first step. In the treatment area, these lasers cause uniform damage to your skin. Fractionated CO2 laser treatment is the other type of laser resurfacing. Fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing involves drilling a series of thin columns of holes deep into the layers of your skin while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.

, Best Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment, Dermiq Clinic

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CO2 laser resurfacing

CO2 laser resurfacing has been used to treat a variety of benign and malignant skin diseases for many years. A newer version of CO2 laser resurfacing makes use of ultrashort pulsed light energy (ultra pulsed) or incessant light beams send in a scanning pattern to get rid of tiny layers of skin with the least amount of heat damage to adjacent structures.

Wrinkles and scars, as well as various benign skin growths including warts, birthmarks, rhinophyma, pyogenic granuloma (enlarged oil glands on the nose), and other skin problems, have all been successfully treated with CO2 laser resurfacing. This treatment can take up to two weeks to get better.

Erbium laser resurfacing

Erbium laser resurfacing is a method that makes use of a laser to eradicate superficial to moderately deep lines and wrinkles on the face. You can also use this laser on your hands, neck, and chest. The minimum harm to surrounding tissue is one of the advantages of erbium laser resurfacing. For the reason that – this laser has less undesirable effects, such as swelling, bruising, and redness, than CO2 lasers, your healing time should be faster.

Erbium laser resurfacing may be an excellent option for you if you have a darker skin tone. It takes one week to recover.

Fractional laser resurfacing

Much of your skin is not harmed because fractional CO2 laser resurfacing sends multiple small columns of laser light to your skin. As the collagen between the treated laser holes shrinks, your skin tightens. This type of laser has the advantage of causing less skin damage. The concern is because the laser light penetrates deeper than other lasers, complex healing and scarring are more likely.

Fractional laser resurfacing takes a week to recover. After a thorough examination of your medical history, present physical condition, and desired results, your doctor will evaluate which type of laser resurfacing treatment is ideal for you.

Benefits of Laser Skin Rejuvenation

  • Laser skin rejuvenation treatment is one of the most suggested skin treatments available, mainly if you desire to rejuvenate the skin under your eyes and other sensitive parts.
  • It can heal pigmentation, prominent age spots, and other blemishes while advancing the overall skin quality.
  • It is a non-invasive technique that is comparatively trouble-free.
  • The treatment requires one or two sessions a month (as it is flexible). It could be customized with no hassle.
  • The treatment results are long-lasting as it makes the skin tighter and cure it from within.
  • Laser treatments have minimum side effects with a quick recovery period.

Skin rejuvenation treatment in Hyderabad can cost between Rs. 7,000 – Rs. 20,000 per session. There are quite a few factors (for instance, skin types, the level of the concern, expected results, etc.) on which the overall estimate of a laser skin rejuvenation treatment depends. Also, the total number of sessions required for treatment may vary from person to person; varying an aspect in the overall cost.

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